Saturday 17 May 2008

Go On, Ruin The Show

Heckling is a past-time which can be a pleasure to observe in a show. Just as long as the Heckler understands this:

You are mental. You understand nothing of performance and you will forever live to be the person up there. You live in a world that does not pay you enough attention and so, like Kent in a phone booth, you convert yourself into a babbling buffoon. You think to yourself "Fuck me, I wish I was talented". You would kill yourself if you could, only there would be no-one there to see it.

The atmosphere at any show, whether it be a comedian or artist, can be destroyed by this lower form of life and I accept no responsibility for the use a bow and arrow, the next time some fool shouts "Play some songs about Christmas!". I would kill you sir, if you weren't already dead.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Long live

It appears that has been listening carefully to what I have been listening to. It has recommended some great work, including the Beta Band but is yet to give me anything for free.

And what a way to monitor progress! Who's listening? How are they listening? And to what to. It's all there and can make you appreciate just how un/popular you.

I only wish they would speak of me the way I speak of them. Banners all over; they must cost something. They should do something for free...

Monday 21 April 2008

Changing Things

Today I used a web editor to edit songs by THE BETA BAND to make them sound how I want them to.

This raises moral concern. Should art be left untouched and how the artist intended it? Or is it our right, as consumers, to meddle until we are pleased.

Two songs come to mind which require editing before they are deemed listen-able:

1) Dr Baker - The Beta Band
2) Transatlantic Drawl - Radiohead

Both of these feature pointless sections which the songs could do without. I bid you to edit. I bid you to go through your collection and make things sound and look how YOU want them. Forget the "artist" .